The Power of Circles

The 2013 Energy Medicine Circle: Photograph by Lori Savaree.

The 2013 Energy Medicine Circle: Photograph by Lori Savaree.

Tuesday afternoon musings...

Sitting within final preparation mode today for the three Energy Medicine circles coming up this weekend for The Great Rhythm Revival and feeling oh so entirely entirely grateful for the power of circles. They've been a pretty mighty symbol lately.

This magical and transformative event is completely sold out this year - our tenth year. It is such an incredible honor to once again share the work I feel so passionate about within a growing, vibrant community!

What makes this even more special is that I am tickled to be co-facilitating the EM circles with not only my life-partner, but my Husband. We took part in our own circle with six of our family members last week in celebration of our union and commitment to one another!

With love and joy and the cosmic power of circles.