Women Coming Together

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Feeling so grateful this morning for bright blue skies and multitudes of lush greens spilling across the landscape here in Western NY. Feeling so grateful for creating and rekindling amazing connections yesterday while in Erie at both Chicory Hill Herbs and the Free Women's Health Event in the evening.

As women coming together, unencumbered with the day-to-day bullshit we can all get wrapped up in, we are truly remarkable creatures. Meeting the world with fresh eyes moment by moment, and breathing in the miracles.

What an honor to share Energy Medicine with so many last evening...and how humbling it is to have so many women share deeply personal and very hard stories. Then to see the amazement and wonder in those fresh eyes that we've all got (yes, all of us!) reservoirs of resources encoded right within us!!! Recognizing we can ALL be empowered. This brings me to my knees. I cried most of the way home and woke this morning with a feeling this is definitely the right time to be stepping back fully into this work.

Three lovely women will receive phone calls today - two won Energy Medicine books and one will receive a free session!

Gratitude to Kellea and Theresa for loving me up and providing amazing conversation and powerful sound healing at Chicory Hill, for Kathy for extending the wonderful invitation, and to the women who showed up last night to take care of themselves.

How beautiful it is when we give ourselves full-throttle permission to be present for and give time to just Our Self