The Magical Use of Words

Where would we be without the magical use of words, and where would I be without my journals and pens? Today is International Fountain Pen Day, and in honor of my very favorite writing instruments, I'm sharing an image of my sexy journals that are in the current rotation along with one of my best friends... my pen.

It is said the pen is mightier than the sword, and oh my I find that more and more to be true. Let's bring our minds and hearts together. Let's bring empathy, compassion, connection, critical thinking, and quality conversation back. The world needs healing and peace and art and creative action. We certainly have what it takes to do it. Who's with me?

Until next time I offer these words of wisdom for better or for worse. Please take them with a grain of salt for we each live our own individual truths. Our mission while we are here is to understand, accept, and celebrate that one very simple, but incredibly significant fact. For all this, I am grateful.